Custom courses and training programs

Advances in Geographical Research team works with you to create a one-to-one learning program or training course from start to finish. Offering training programs on a wide range of research topics, including research methodology, remote sensing, GIS, statistical model, self-created indices, social science, urban studies, engineering, MCDM model, ML approaches, fieldwork and many more. We offer modern research methodologies and innovative approaches to fulfill your project. We will help you in every step of your dissertation, thesis, or article preparations. Cutting-edge teaching techniques, a wide range of topics, and a personal touch is our recipe for deliciously simple learning. If you don’t believe us, just ask the 1,000+ people we’ve already helped to realise their full potential.

If you want to join our custom course, please fill out the form below. We will get back to you within 24 hours.

Why Learn With us?

Over two decades of experience and expertise in teaching Tech and coding helping students develop their tech skills for higher performance, better careers and growth in companies.

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